Throughout the year, British Athletics Supporters Club provides opportunities for members to meet athletes and others involved in the sport we love. The main opportunity is at our Annual Dinner Weekend, normally held during November (2023 dinner in October).
As well as being able to sit on a table with athlete guests for the Annual Dinner itself, athletes also take part in panel events held during the rest of the weekend.
The Annual Dinner Weekend kicks off with dinner and a guest speaker, with a leading role in the sport, on the Friday evening. Saturday late morning there would be a session on a topic of interest to members. Our brief Annual General Meeting takes place at lunchtime, with buffet lunch provided for members. Later in the afternoon current and up-and-coming athletes are interviewed in our athlete panel sessions. The highpoint of the weekend is the Annual Dinner, with athlete interviews - usually by the club president, Katharine Merry, and the presentation of our annual awards, including the announcement of our Athlete of the Year. There is one more panel session on the Sunday morning before members head for home after a great weekend with athletes and other athletics fans!
In addition the club has also arranged both physical and virtual events with athletes, such as with Lord Coe during the 2017 World Championships, Meet and Greet in Glasgow, and zoom calls with athlete panels.